Monday, July 20, 2015

Anything is Possible - 4 Months Post Op!

It's here! My day of freedom from restrictions in eating and sleeping and working out. Woohoo! I'm celebrating by leaving work early and going to the gym to work on my legs and glutes. Seeing as it's a Friday, I thought it was fitting. Hopefully it's empty. I can't wait to sleep on my side tonight, and to eat a chicken burger (still gotta be healthy)! I go see the orthodontist next week and hopefully get to remove my splint! It'll still be replaced with an arch wire but that's better than this lunky plastic thing that gets nasty and traps food. Ugh.
I'm also going to be attending a class to learn more about pre-diabetes and what can be done about to reverse it. It's free at Kaiser and I'm taking advantage. I also made an appointment with a nutritionist to learn about how I can build muscle/healthy weight and get rid of the pre-diabetes diagnosis all with my diet. I'm excited about that one. That's after Cuba which is happening in less than 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are all beyond excited. Including BB who says, "I going to CUUUBA and there's kids there!" By kids he means his cousins which I told him we will be staying with. That should be the highlight of the trip for him.
I've been doing this 30 day yoga challenge done by Liel Cheri (Yoga for Good Life on YouTube and @yogawithlielcheri on Instagram) and it has been really great for me. I feel stronger both physically and emotionally. Yes emotionally, since yoga forces you to be in the moment and enjoy it rather than trying to get 10 steps ahead and attempting control on life. I fell in love with yoga back in 2002 when I thought it would be an easy way to get out of the gym portion of my GE requirements in community college. Luckily I got an amazing instructor who I stuck with after that for 2 years or so, twice a week. Anyway, I feel calmer and have been able to focus my energies on seeing God's love and goodness and faithfulness in all areas of my life and I'm just in awe. It really makes me feel like anything is possible and my dreams can become reality and best of all, that I can relax and enjoy life while God handles the details.

Boo I'm totally posting this late (I wrote the above portion on Friday, today is Monday) Blogging fail....

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I've Abandoned My Post...

It's been so long since I updated this blog. But I sometimes feel like I'm talking to myself here anyway so I guess no one missed it!
I hit and passed the 3 month post op mark and I was so excited then but NOW, on Friday, I will be getting to the 4 month point which means......(prepare yourselves!): I can jump! I can eat crunchy chewy things! I can run! I can sleep on my side (and on my HH!) And best of all I can lift heavy weights! YAY! It's kinda weird that my recovery is technically still not over but I look forward to the second half of this journey now. Well not officially but close enough! I can see what the surgeon means about slight changes in your face due to your bones settling. I felt beautiful the other day for the first time in a LOOOOOONG time. It was nice.
So now, I am looking into starting a high protein, macro conscious diet and starting to lift some heavy crap! Woo! My HH and I will both be starting school next month and quitting our respective gyms. We will be making our garage apartment into a home gym! I'm beyond excited. No excuses or restrictions to exercise because of weather or time etc. I even plan on making myself a little yoga/meditation spot and taking our little TV in there with my Apple TV so I can look at workout/yoga videos. I feel kinda fancy haha.
So we leave to Cuba in 2 weeks!!!! I still can't believe I will be going home to see where my family comes from! Next, Spain...someday. But yay! Cuba!  I will eat to my heart's content and sweat all the fat out and then come home and really get down to business. I've already started adding a fourth protein heavy meal into my day and on Sunday I did meal prep. This included a homemade protein bar and two breakfast options. Bam! I WILL keep this up! I will, I will! (sorry, motivating myself there)
My BB is getting SOOOO big and he is so smart! He amazes me everyday and he loves running and doing yoga with me! Score! I will be updating again more often. Even if no one out there cares, it's therapeutic. Now how other amazing bloggers find time to take and upload pictures everyday I would love to know. Especially since most of them are moms with more than one kid :-/