It's been awhile! I actually considered abandoning this blog but I think I'll keep it up for awhile and give it a chance. I do enjoy it when I get around to it.
I don't know how many of you follow fitness/yoga/healthy eating blogs or instagram users but I'm a little obsessed with it. I actually started a "fitness" instagram that's anonymous (kinda like this blog) and I've recieved so much support and encouragement. That's what I love about the fitness community! Anyway, I've been doing yoga, inconsistently, for about 12 years. I chose it while at community college because I thought it would be an easy way to get my gym credits but I fell in love with it after the first class. Up until that point I would only workout once in a blue moon because my motivations were superficial. Once I realized how calming and empowering exercise was, I stuck to it and it became an integral part of my lifestyle. I started working out at the gym at my school as well and from then on, (for the next 10 years) I was a gym rat. Untilllll I got pregnant. Haha! I was so afraid to hurt the baby and I had no idea how to modify my lifting routine. I remember once while running a trail by my house that I did almost everyday, I swore I could feel the baby bouncing...I was neurotic. My doctor even told me to continue but I was a wienie. Needless to say, I lost any muscle I had and in the subsequent two years of being a mother, I couldn't figure out how to reintegrate a consistent exercise routine into my life. I never wanted to make my son come second to my needs. BUT, it's all about balance and I'm realizing how important it is to make time for YOU! Now, here I am recovering from this double jaw surgery (it'll be 3 months post op tomorrow!) and I'm skinnier than ever. But I'm also extremely motivated and I've actually done strength work or yoga or hiked everyday for the past couple weeks.
Back to what originally inspired me to start this blog post (I ramble sometimes, I'm Cuban, so...yea). I follow Yoga_Girl on instagram and she's SO inspiring! I just today realized she also has a YouTube channel (duh) and a blog and I watched a video where she talks about her life before yoga/meditation and how she's learned to quiet negative thoughts and wow, I wish I could start doing yoga right here in the office! I had wanted to start moving past the typical yoga classes at the gym to progress my practice right before I got pregnant, but since yoga studios are ridiculously overpriced, I'm gonna do it at home. I'll document as much as possible (I'm not that good at this blogging/instagram thing yet!). The one thing she said that struck me the most was that she started to claim freedom from her destructive liftstyle when she realized she wasn't a victim of anything. That really hit home for me! I've made myself a victim of so much over the course of my life and it's such a lie and a waste of time. Everything in this world wants to tell us that we are not good enough, we don't have enough, we've been wronged, it's someone else's fault, but Jesus came to set us free from all that nonsense. We are at the mercy of no one. We can ALWAYS control our reactions and our perspectives even though sometimes it doesn't feel like we can. Emotions come and go, they're fickle. We can't make decisions or base the way we see the world on them. Life is beautiful (even when you're going through something!) when you start to learn to live in the moment. Our thoughts and responsibilities can crowd out our peace, but if we keep God as our focus and learn to test all our thoughts against His truth, we can conquer all the distractions.
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