Another gloomy day in California. But still beautiful! You can find the beauty in these days because they're so rare you appreciate them rather than wish them away. I just wish I could be cozy at home with a movie and a hot chocolate. Ok, it's not THAT cold, but all the same it'd be nice.
I was stopped by a girl here at work who I don't really talk to when we were both in the bathroom. She asked about the surgery and recovery and I touched vaguely on different aspects of it. Then she suddenly asked me, "do you need a hug?". Unexpected but, why not! Lol. A hug is never a bad thing, I just wonder what made her say that. Another lady who returned today for the first time this week said that my face and skin are significantly younger looking! Huh!? Ok though, I'll take it. It is very interesting how differently people can see the same thing (in this case, my face! lol) It reminds me of how when you have a child, some people see you in them, yet another person can only see the other parent. I actually feel less swollen today. I even think I LOOK less swollen! Yet it's the one day that no one has told me that it's gone down. Life is funny that way.
While taking a walk this weekend through my hilly neighborhood, I thought about all the times I've run those streets and how much I tend to look forward to the descent as I'm running up hills. As a matter of fact, looking foward to running downhill is what motivates me to run uphill faster, which inevitably makes me enjoy it more. Life can be like that. My recovery is the hill I'm currently climbing and I can scale it faster and enjoy the journey if I keep my mind focused on how great the "downhill" will be. This is not forever, which means eating ice cream every night will eventually become a thing of the past. So I might as well enjoy it now!
Yesterday when I got home, my BB woke up as we pulled into the driveway. He had spent the day with his cousins, thus avoiding his nap. He then began to literally just scream and cry that he wanted "to go that way" in the car. (just a random direction). When he is tired and his teeth hurt, he becomes so irrational and uncontrollable. I can relate. It was tough because I had just driven for an hour to get home, I was tired and I couldn't just pick him up at the risk of him flailing and hitting me in the face. So I sat in the back seat with him and prayed to myself for a minute (I needed Him to help me keep it under control!) and then tried to calm him. It took about 15 minutes but I was finally able to bring him inside. He just needed a hug...and some oragel. How do you all handle your two year old's tantrums? Just curious...:)
On a totally random side note: Since I can only drink my food these days, I was looking for smoothie recipes that include oatmeal (I've made these before and they're so good!). I found this great link and wanted to share with you all. This blogger's smoothies also include chia seeds and she found a way to include them without having them turn into a thick jelly (which they do when they absorb liquid, try chia pudding!). The best part is that you make them ahead to allow the chia to do it's thing and they won't get runny since they don't have ice. Here's the link: I'm going to make some tonight for my breakfast tomorrow. Yay! I love shortcuts like that!
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