Friday, May 29, 2015

Love, Love, Love...

God never ceases to amaze me! Always when I need it most and deserve it the least. I was walking during my lunch break with my HH (who also amazes me with his love) and after he returned to work I decided to walk a little bit more and pray. It was such a nice day. I was pretty much thanking God for everything He does for me, trying to get my thoughts aligned with the joy that anyone who is loved by God should ALWAYS have. As I walk back into the building I'm approached by the "grandpa" of our department who always cheerfully greets me and encourages me throughout my recovery with quick "you'll be great in no time" shoutouts. So he comes over and tells me that I'm looking much better etc etc, and then suddenly he places his hand on my shoulder and says, "God really loves you". And I replied that yes, I knew that He does love me very much. He was happy about that and asked me if I knew the Lord and I said yes. Then he just repeated that God loves me and how great it was that I knew it. Seriously God!? Thank you! So cool. It was like an answer to the prayers I had just been saying to myself. What an awesome God.

On the recovery front, I'm still eagerly awaiting to be fully recovered, to be able to eat whatever I want and have no physical restrictions. But I know it will be awhile. I did start lifting weights again (while wearing my hubby's weight vest!), but at home with HH not at the gym. Might as well start somewhere. I was so sore after my first session and it felt SO GOOD! Last night I did abs and some pushups and dips and tonight I plan on attacking the glutes and legs again. I'm able to eat enough things that I can keep up with the nutritional aspect of it and I can't lift heavy enough to grit my teeth anyway so I'm not in danger there. It feels really good to get back to a part of my life that I value so much. I gotta remember to take my measurements so that I can track my progress.

I also applied to FINALLY return to school and finish my bachelors AND I start a new job soon with the department of mental health with lots of room for growth and opportunities to learn/network. My HH got accepted into a great master's program and is excited about starting that as well. New beginnings, changes and new challenges (opportunities for growth!) are coming our way. I used to always fear change but now I catch myself and remember that God can bring me through anything and He's on my side and GREAT things can come from change! I'm starting to dream bigger than I ever let myself before. Getting a PhD in the future? Why not? Becoming a competitor in fitness competitions? A little out there haha,'s not impossible!

Choose joy everyday! This coming from a girl who struggles with remembering that but I hope I can encourage others the way so many people encourage me, through instagram accounts, in books, friends, and the Bible. If we make God bigger in our minds than the problems we face or circumstances we are in and especially bigger than our emotions, we can choose joy ALL the time. XOXO

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